I’m Jenna

and I'm passionate about helping you activate your NEXT LEVEL


As a traditionally labeled "high achiever," I've lived most of my life checking the boxes, one achievement after the next. I was valedictorian in high school, received a full ride to play Division 1 college soccer, continued on to get my Masters to be an Orthopedic Physician Assistant, became a college soccer coach. I checked box after box for years.

It wasn't all for nothing. Through both my athletic career and my medical career, I developed skills that equip me for the work I do now. My mental edge being one of the greatest, if not the greatest. Whether it was on the soccer field or in the operating room, there were times I felt like giving up, but my mental edge allowed me to find that extra gear needed to keep going time and time again.

Mental Edge is required to become the Next Level You.​​

Me stepping into my next level required me to leave my 10 year career as an orthopedic physician assistant and go ALL IN on building my own business. Before I had even netted $1 in my business, I made the decision to walk away from my secure job as a physician assistant and bet on myself.

I didn't have all the answers, but I knew there was more for me, and if I didn't choose to step out in faith, I would never discover that more or step into the next level me who was screaming to be unleashed. I know growth doesn't happen inside my comfort zone, so I chose to make myself uncomfortable (really uncomfortable.) And I continue to take bold, scary, uncomfortable action in life and business to keep growing and expanding. 

Your dream requires you to take action.

I am a woman of ACTION. In less than ONE year, I doubled my PA salary.

I lead and live by example. Whether I am coaching elite athletes, entrepreneurs, or executives, the work remains the same - I help my clients lock into their mental edge and unlock their next level required to take whatever it is they desire to the next level.

I would love to help you take action and unlock your next level.


I am a devoted Christian, committed wife to my husband Isaac, and encouraging mama to our two amazing boys, Jacob and Jonah. Although I have many hats I wear and a limitless identity, those three are above all else.

Our family loves all sports (especially soccer and basketball), being outdoors as much as possible, Friday night pizza/movie nights, and bedtime bunk bed snuggles.

I am grateful to be on this journey with my family. Isaac and I lead retreats for couples together, invest in real estate together, and support one another in all avenues of life and business. We bring our boys along the journey with us and allow them to be a part of as much as they desire.

Life is more fulfilling and joyful together! 

About Jenna

Jenna Klopfenstein is a growth + mental edge coach, speaker, and host of the Next Level You podcast. She helps visionary entrepreneurs and elite performers unlock their mental edge, take fast action, and activate their next level. Jenna helps her clients break free from their limiting beliefs that keep them stuck and dream into a new reality. 

Jenna is a former Division 1 athlete and college soccer coach who uses the athlete mentality in her coaching framework. She spent 10 years as an orthopedic physician assistant before starting her entrepreneurial journey. Her transformational mindset work sets her apart in an industry that's narrowly focused. As a growth + mental edge coach, Jenna focuses on the whole human which allows her to impact on a deeper level. 

Jenna is a committed wife to her best friend, and an encouraging mama to their two amazing boys.